Electricity bill too high? Reduce your energy cost with these ten helpful tips from trusted Texas electricity provider, Budget Power.
What can you do about a high energy bill? If your monthly energy costs from your Texas energy provider are becoming an unpleasant surprise for you, the answer may lie in your energy usage.
According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), “In 2022, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,791 kilowatt-hours (kWh), an average of about 899 kWh per month.” That’s a lot of energy!
Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill
#1. Wash laundry in cold water and reduce the number of loads.
Did you know that 90% of the energy the washing machine uses goes towards heating water? (Source: ColdWaterSaves.org). Save energy by saving your laundry until you can do a single large load instead of multiple small loads in cold water.
#2. Take shorter showers.
Less time heating water means less energy usage. Sustainable showering can help reduce your carbon footprint, save water, AND save on your electricity bill.
#3. Make sure the seals on your windows and doors are tight.
Proper insulation goes a long way in keeping your nice cold air INSIDE the house where it belongs, especially during hot Texas summers. In winter, those seals keep the cold weather out and the heat in.
#4. Turn the thermostat up when you will be away from home or use Smart Home features to set it automatically.
Don’t run the AC or heater on high if no one will be at one to enjoy it! Save on your electricity bill by manually or automatically changing the temperature during peak times when no one is home.
Additional Tip: Use a Dehumidifier, if you live in Texas you most likely live in an area with high humidity. Dehumidifiers are a great tool to reduce the moisture in your home, which in turn reduces how hard your AC has to work and extends the life of your unit.
#5. Buy energy-efficient appliances.
ENERGY STAR® is a government-backed symbol for evaluating if an appliance is energy efficient. When buying a new appliance, see if it is ENERGY STAR® certified. They can reduce your overall kilowatt usage compared to non-certified appliances.
#6. Change air filters regularly.
In Texas, large chunks of the electricity bill are affected by the AC. Remember to change your air filters regularly to promote airflow and allow your HVAC to function properly.
#7. Replace standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent or LED bulbs.
According to Energy.gov, residential LED bulbs use at least 75% less energy and last up to 5 times longer than incandescent lighting.
#8. Use dimmer switches on your lights.
Dimmer switches save electricity by reducing the flow of energy into the bulb itself. It allows lights to operate with lower outputs and allows full control over the luminescence.
#9. Turn off lights and unplug appliances when not in use.
This one should be intuitive. Appliances and devices like the television, desk lamps, overhead lighting, and consoles should be powered down when not in use. Appliances still generate a small amount of heat when plugged in, so you can save even more by unplugging them from the socket.
#10 Have an energy audit done at your home.
Energy.gov gives great tips for doing a DIY energy audit. They recommend looking for air leaks, checking insulation, inspecting your equipment, reviewing your lighting and appliance usage, and making a plan with the household to set goals for saving energy.
How Else Can You Reduce Your Energy Cost?
Still not happy with a high electric bill? Shop around for a power company in Texas with great rates. Look for an electricity plan and provider that’s transparent about their fee structure.
Texas electricity provider Budget Power provides high-quality customer service at every step. From the moment you first contact us online or by phone, to set up, or renew, Budget Power provides the best service at a great, transparent, low rate.
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